Sustainability in Stockmann

The Stockmann division is working systematically to achieve its sustainability targets and further develop its operations.

As a fashion and department store operator, Stockmann plays a key role in promoting sustainable consumption and operating models that support the circular economy.  

In the future, we will increasingly invest in product selections and services that support the circular economy. The goal is to increase the selection of sustainably manufactured products and develop own brand collections to meet customers’ expectations and changing requirements. 

Sustainability management 

Stockmann’s Management Team is responsible for determining the targets and focus areas of the sustainability strategy and managing the strategy. It also monitors the progress of the sustainability work semi-annually. The practical work and reporting is the responsibility of Stockmann’s sustainability function. 

Stockmann’s employees, partners and other stakeholders can use a whistle-blowing channel provided by an external partner to anonymously report any suspected or detected violations of the Code of Conduct or other Group policies. Stockmann’s employees can also report any suspicions to their supervisor, their unit’s security manager, the Group management, the legal department or the Group’s Internal Audit. 

All whistle-blowing reports and discussions are taken seriously and processed confidentially. All incidents are reported to Internal Audit and the Chief Counsel, who report their observations to the Board’s Audit Committee. Any deviations or unethical practices can be detrimental to business operations and stakeholder relations, so deviations are always taken seriously.