In terms of social responsibility, both of Lindex Group’s divisions seek to promote and ensure ethical and safe working conditions. Lindex Group’s human rights policy lays the foundation for social responsibility, and the Group is committed to several international principles.

The Group does not have its own factories. Close cooperation with partners improves quality and transparency and increases sustainability expertise throughout the supply chain. 

Attention is paid to several factors when selecting suppliers. The most important criteria are the needs of Lindex Group’s customers, suppliers’ know-how and ability to deliver, quality and price, sustainability in terms of working conditions and environmental aspects in particular, and the potential for long-term cooperation. 

Human Rights Policy

Respect for human rights is fundamental to Lindex Group’s values and operations. Our Human Rights policy complements the Lindex Group Code of Conduct and further defines the Group’s approach to human rights.

Suppliers commit to the Supplier Code of Conduct 

Lindex and Stockmann have both direct suppliers and production facilities in high-risk countries. All suppliers are expected to follow Lindex Group Code of Conduct or demonstrate a similar commitment and commit to continuous improvement.  

Sustainability issues are discussed during purchasing negotiations and when supplier agreements are concluded. Implementation of the Code of Conduct in partner factories is ensured by conducting own and third-party audits, factory visits and engaging in continuous dialogue.  

Lindex Group has a significant employment impact in upstream countries in the value chain, especially among women, which improves their position and earning opportunities. 

Regular charity work and CSR projects  

Lindex Group engages in CSR and charity projects on a regular basis. The Group supports various charity organisations annually by making donations to selected non-profit public benefit organisations.  

We also engage in charity projects as part of commercial campaigns. For example, Lindex is one of the main partners of the Pink Ribbon project. Lindex has several other international and local partners. Read more about Lindex’s projects and partnerships (link opens in a new tab).

Stockmann, for its part, participates in annual cooperation campaigns with a number of charitable organisations. One of the most important is the joint Christmas charity campaign held with Save the Children. Stockmann also engaged in charitable cooperation with, among others, the Red Cross in all three of its countries of operation. 

Stockmann engages in charity cooperation to promote reuse and recycling by donating unsold products, product samples and leftover materials to local partners, charitable organisations and recycling organisations. An important criterion when selecting partners is that they help underprivileged people and deliver donations to those who need them the most.  

For several years Stockmann has been cooperating with, among others, Hope Yhdessä Yhteisesti ry, a non-profit organisation which passes on donations to Finnish families with limited means. Stockmann’s cooperation with Kierrätyskeskus (Reuse Centre) is its newest partnership in Finland. 

sustainability management and commitments

Lindex Group’s divisions have ambitious sustainability targets, and sustainability is a central part of the operations throughout the Group.  Find out about our sustainability management, and the commitments we have made.