Environmental responsibility

Climate and circularity are our key environmental focus areas. We are aware of the environmental impact of our business and we aim to reduce the environmental impact of our business and to operate in a sustainable way.  

Lindex Group’s environmental policy (pdf)

we reduce our climate emissions 

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has approved Lindex Group’s science-based emission reduction target for its own operations (Scope 1 and 2) and value chain (Scope 3). The validation confirms that Lindex Group’s climate strategy and target are in line with the Paris Agreement to limit global warming, ensuring they are scientifically robust.

Lindex Group’s near-term science-based target is to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions from its own operations and value chain by 42% by 2030 compared to 2022. The target includes FLAG (Forest, Land and Agriculture) targets covering emissions that come from land use and land management connected to the Group’s raw materials.

Our key measures to reduce emissions include improving energy efficiency, switching to renewable energy throughout the value chain and increasing the use of recycled and regenerative materials. In addition, we continue to shift towards more circular business models and services.

The Group’s carbon footprint in 2023 was around 261 ktCO2, of which around two thirds was from purchased goods and services. Downstream transportation and distribution accounted for about a tenth of emissions and the use of products sold for about 8 per cent of emissions. We are actively working to reduce emissions, for example by reducing transportation emissions. 

We invest in the circular economy  

Both divisions have identified the circular economy as one of the key themes in the promotion of sustainable business operations, and therefore they also aim to actively act in accordance with the principles of the circular economy. The aim is to keep materials and products in circulation for as long as possible while preserving their value.  

We invest in the development of the circular economy and circular economy services, such as repairing, renting and selling second-hand clothing and clothing which has been purchased elsewhere, as well as providing a personalised fashion service to help customers create their own sustainable style. 

sustainability Review

Read more about emissions and sustainability in the sustainability review.

The divisions are continuously improving their environmental activities


You can read more about Lindex’s environmental responsibility on the Lindex website.


Read more about the Stockmann’s environmental activities.