Environmental responsibility

We are aware of the environmental impact of our business and we aim to reduce the environmental impact of our business and to operate in a sustainable way.  

The majority of the Group’s carbon dioxide emissions come from products and services. Textile production has significant impacts on the environment, energy and water consumption and biodiversity. 

We are developing our operations to cut emissions and reduce climate risks in a number of ways: We are reducing emissions, increasing energy and water efficiency and carrying out waste sorting and recycling. Lindex Group has signed the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to set targets for reducing its carbon dioxide emissions in line with the Paris Agreement.  

We invest in the circular economy  

Both divisions have identified the circular economy as one of the key themes in the promotion of sustainable business operations, and therefore they also aim to actively act in accordance with the principles of the circular economy. The aim is to keep materials and products in circulation for as long as possible while preserving their value.  

We invest in the development of the circular economy and circular economy services, such as repairing, renting and selling second-hand clothing and clothing which has been purchased elsewhere, as well as providing a personalised fashion service to help customers create their own sustainable style. 

Energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions 

Lindex Group’s energy consumption mainly consists of electricity and district heating and cooling. Energy is consumed by the lighting, ventilation, heating and cooling systems in the stores, distribution centres and offices, as well as by other equipment and machinery in these facilities, such as lifts and escalators.  

Energy efficiency is an important part of Group’s environmental work, as the energy consumption in its own operations has been identified to be the most significant source of carbon dioxide emissions. As part of its environmental work, the Group strives to implement energy efficiency measures to mitigate its climate impact and improve efficiency. 

The energy and water consumption of the factories used by the Group are reviewed, and solutions to environmental issues are being addressed through pilot projects. 

The CO2e calculation covers the most material aspects of our operations. Measuring and reporting on GHG emissions serve as a management tool in Lindex Group, which provides a basis for determining where emissions should be reduced and for setting reduction targets.  

Lindex Group has reported its GHG emissions for a long time. The report is published annually in connection with the Sustainability Review. 

The Group’s carbon footprint in 2023 was around 261 ktCO2, of which around two thirds was from purchased goods and services. Downstream transportation and distribution accounted for about a tenth of emissions and the use of products sold for about 8 per cent of emissions. We are actively working to reduce emissions, for example by reducing transportation emissions. 

sustainability Review

Read more about emissions and sustainability in the sustainability review.

The divisions are continuously improving their environmental activities


You can read more about Lindex’s environmental responsibility on the Lindex website.


Read more about the Stockmann’s environmental activities.