Manager’s shares ownership and transactions

Manager’s shares ownership on 11 November 2024, pcs

Board of DirectorsPositionLINDEX Shares
Sari PohjonenChair of the Board23 432
Roland NeuwaldVice Chair of the Board48 490
Stefan BjörkmanMember of the Board51 928
Timo KarppinenMember of the Board16 706
Tracy StoneMember of the Board53 950
Harriet WilliamsMember of the Board26 038
Management TeamPositionLINDEX Shares
Susanne EhnbågeCEO18 000
Henrik HenrikssonCFO
Jukka NaulapääChief Legal Officer
Riku LylyChief Operating Officer
AuditorsPositionLINDEX Shares
Terhi MäkinenAuthorised Public Accountant

Manager’s transactions

As a result of the EU’s Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) that entered into force on 3 July 2016, Stockmann has no longer public insiders. Counted as the company’s persons discharging managerial duties, are the members of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, the members of the Management Team and the auditors.


See the management’s shareholding changes in the link below.

Ownership structure of Stockmann Group

Read more about Stockmann Group’s shareholders and ownership structure in the link below.