Ghost team does it right!
Every employee at Stockmann is involved with the Crazy Days campaign. Experts from e.g. sales, marketing and buying are responsible for planning and accomplishing this huge effort. And when it’s finally time to dress the department stores in yellow, specialists, team leaders and even the group management team join the sales staff to help them in customer service, supplementing and delivering the goods to the customers as well as keeping the shopping environment enjoyable in the middle of the rush. The Crazy Days campaign wouldn’t have become such success story without our dedicated and devoted personnel. Thanks #stockmannstaff!
Picture above: intern Stina Parri, Environmental Specialist Susanna Segercrantz and directors of Stockmann Retail and Real Estate, Pia Almi, Marco Karvinen, Seppo Oksanen, Jouko Pitkänen and Björn Teir.
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